High-Quality Chess Pieces Collection | Chessnutech

Schachfiguren für Chessnut Air

$35.99 – $56.99

Sie können die "schwarzen" oder "weißen" Teile kaufen, um verlorene oder beschädigte Teile zu ersetzen, oder Sie wählen "beide", um ein komplettes Set zu kaufen. Inhalt der Schachtel 17/34 Spielsteine...

Hochwertige ganze Holzschachfiguren für Chessnut Pro mit eingebautem Chip


Versand-Update: https://chessnutech.com/pages/shipping-update Akazienholz ist bekannt für seine dunklen Farbtöne und seine ausgeprägte goldene Maserung, die den Schachfiguren einen besonderen optischen Reiz verleiht. Buchsbaumhingegen ist mit seiner hellen Farbe und gleichmäßigen...

Schachfiguren für Chessnut Evo


Versand-Update: https://chessnutech.com/pages/shipping-update Inhalt des Kartons34 Stück mit Sensorchips (2 zusätzliche Damen enthalten)

Ganze Schachfiguren aus Holz für Chessnut Air+/Plus, Air, Evo


Versand-Update: https://chessnutech.com/pages/shipping-update Inhalt der Schachtel 34 Stück mit Sensorchips (2 zusätzliche Königinnen enthalten)

Reguläre Holzschachfiguren für Chessnut Pro mit eingebautem Chip


Versand-Update: https://chessnutech.com/pages/shipping-update Was in der Schachtel ist 34 Stück mit Sensorchips (2 zusätzliche Königinnen enthalten)

A perfect Guide to Choosing the Perfect Chess Pieces for Your Collection

Do you know about a fact related to Chess? It was invented by Hán Xin around 200 B.C. This game was developed to represent a battle in the history of China. Apart from that chess also teaches us to seize the opportunity right then and there. Along with that, chess also teaches us to create opportunity for ourselves as you can't predict perfect time.

There are plenty of options for chess pieces set that you can get around market but you have to keep few points in mind while shopping for a chess set. You can find chess set best suited for a beginner and to a champion as well. This is why it becomes important for you to keep some points in your mind and choose the pieces accordingly.

Here are some of the points that will help you to choose the right Chess Pieces for your game. Let's get started.

Some initial points that are important to think about.

Objective of the Chess game

You want to play serious chess game or purely decorative? This is one of the really important question that you need to throw some light on. There are chess board specially designed for decoration and they can't be used to play games.

Material and colour

There are variety of chess set available in the market, you can choose from resin, wooden chess pieces, resin and alabaster. Now, it's your personal choice to pick the material. List down answers to the questions like, what you want in look wise? What do you like the feel of? And decide the colour.

The chess board is going to be used for travel purpose or home use only?

As book lovers want to carry their books while travelling, chess lovers also like to travel with their game but books and chess are two different things.

Ask yourself you want to carry for travel or you are going to use the Chess Pieces set only for your home? You don't want to carry a heavy chess set while travelling. This is why it would be feasible for you to choose a portable and strong material chess set.


The size of the chess board would be depending upon your preferences. If you have a bad eyesight then it would be recommended for you to go with a larger size of set. With the size of the set, the cost will also be increasing.


Next you have to ask yourself, what type pf material you want for your game set? For instance, if you choose to buy a wooden chess pieces set then it would be heavier and won't offer long lasting durability. As the wooden chess set can easily get scratch, but if you don't want to carry them while travelling you don't have to worry about it.


To polish your skills in chess you can always go with a cheaper yet durable options. As there are plenty of options and you can upgrade whenever you want. On the other hand, if you are already a pro at chess then invest into high quality board which would ultimately cost you accordingly.

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